See below for a list of all plants we carry that meet the characteristic criteria of Partial Sun plants.
'Kaleidoscope' Glossy Abelia
Suntastic™ 'Radiance'
'Bloodgood' Japanese Maple
'Crimson Queen' Japanese Maple
''Autumn Blaze'' Red Maple
'Sun Valley' Red Maple
Scarlet Red Maple
Sugar Maple
Cast Iron Plant
'Goldilocks' Variegated Japanese Aucuba
'Heritage®' River Birch
Dura Heat® River Birch
Lo and Behold® 'Blue Chip'
'High Fragrance'
'Black Tie'
'Jerry Hill' Jerry Hill Camellia
Prairie Fire
EverColor® 'Everest'
Eastern Redbud
'Scarlet Fire' Dogwood
'Greensleeves' Dogwood
Chinese Dogwood or Kousa Dogwood
'August Beauty'
'Frost Proof'
Climbing Hydrangea
Incrediball® Smooth Hydrangea
'Penny Mac' Bigleaf Hydrangea
'The Original' Bigleaf Hydrangea
'Bobo®' Panicle Hydrangea
'Limelight Prime®'
'Limelight' Panicle Hydrangea
'Little Lime®' Panicle Hydrangea
Vanilla Strawberry™
'Snow Queen' Oakleaf Hydrangea
'Nellie R. Stevens' Holly
'Oak Leaf™' Red Holly
Burford Holly
'Helleri' Japanese Holly
'Sky Pencil' Japanese Holly
'Nana' Dwarf Yaupon Holly