See below for a list of all plants we carry that meet the characteristic criteria of Fast Growing plants.
Scarlet Red Maple
'Heritage®' River Birch
Dura Heat® River Birch
'Pink Delight' Butterfly Bush
'Black Knight' Butterfly Bush
'Silver Frost' Butterfly Bush
Burning Bush
Burford Holly
'Sargentii' Sargent's Juniper
'Wiltonii' Blue Rug Juniper
'Natchez' Crapemyrtle
'Tuscarora' Crapemyrtle
'Recurvifolium' Curled-Leaf Privet
'Sunshine' Chinese Privet
'Ruby' Chinese Fringe Flower
'Daruma' Chinese Fringeflower
Dawn Redwood
'Little Zebra' Maiden Grass